We are updating our address book and sending out Christmas Cards. Please take a minute to send me your current address. If I never had your address and you would like a card, please feel free to email me asap. I am trying to get my cards out by Thursday! Thanks, Happy Holidays!
Monday, December 8, 2008
Its that time of year again...
Posted by Loni at 4:28 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Pretty pretty princesess!
Posted by Loni at 6:14 PM 1 comments
6 weeks, wow!!
Emily is doing really well, she was weighed today and now weighs: 6lbs 9oz!!! Go Em! She is taking medication to keep her lungs from being over saturated with blood and fluids. It is helping her not have to work so hard to breath so she can have more energy to eat. That medication causes her to lose too many electrolytes so she is taking medication to counteract that problem. She is still on heavy duty formula, taking 27calories per ounce, (normal is 20cal/oz) it makes it pretty thick and hard to keep down so we get lots of throw up, but she is keeping enough in to gain weight. It also makes it pretty much impossible for her to poop so she is on fiber as well.. poor sweet baby!! We can't wait until this is all in the past!!
Olivia is gaining steady as well, she wasn't weighed today but as of last week: 8lbs 10oz (gaining 2ounces a day!!). She is so well mannered and sweet. I just cant say enough good about them, it is so amazing to watch the support system between the two of them!
They are sweet spirited girls, they have brought a whole new spirit to our home and family, I love having new babies around! Thanks to everyone for loving and supporting us. We really appreciate all the prayers in our behalf especially those for Emily. I will keep you updated on everything.
Posted by Loni at 5:29 PM 8 comments
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving!
Thanks to everyone for traveling to our place and making it such a memorable year!
Love to all!!
Posted by Loni at 9:02 PM 5 comments
Look who turned SIX!!
Then the tea party at the Gardner Village Protea shop. It was so fun, Ben's mom and sisters were in town for Thanksgiving so we all got to spend a ladies afternoon at tea to celebrate Abbie turning six. They have all the dress ups and served us pink hot chocolate!! Abbie's school class had taken a field trip there a couple of weeks ago to learn manners so Abbie was watching our every move and helping us all with keeping our elbows off the table, no slurping, and make sure you dab with the napkin so you don't mess up your lip gloss. SO FUN!
Happy Birthday Abigail, we love you to pieces!!
Posted by Loni at 8:53 PM 5 comments
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Baby Emily's Heart
We had our cardiologist appointment today... It was pretty rough. The hole in Emily's heart it too big and will require open heart surgery to close. We were devastated. Her lungs are getting too much blood pumped into them and it is making it harder for her to breath. She is now on medication to help keep her lungs clear so she can eat with out any distress and gain enough weight to have the surgery. Emily is still very small and the doctors want us to fatten her up with higher calorie formula for the next few months. The more she can grow, the bigger her heart will get which will make the surgery easier and most likely have less complications. We will take her in for more weekly weight checks and doc appointments. As long as she continues to gain weight, they will wait until she is close to 6months before surgery, if she slows in her weight gain we will do the surgery immediately. We are grateful for her great doctors and know that we are all doing everything we can for her, its just hard to watch your baby and not be able to protect her or take away the struggle. She is a sweet baby and a fighter, we are so grateful for her! She has taught us so much in the last four weeks, we are humbled by her strength.
Posted by Loni at 7:46 PM 17 comments
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Four Weeks old!
Weight checks, we have had to take Emily in weekly to make sure she is gaining enough weight on her limited amount of fluids. Because of the hole in her heart she is only allowed to have 55-60cc of fluid which is about 2oz. So she is on higher calorie formula. The doctors do not want to over work her heart with too much fluids. (We go to the cardiologist on Thurs to see if the hole is any smaller and all the other details, when they did her Echo cardiogram after birth the hole is actually bigger than they saw on the fetal monitor.)
Emily's birth weight: 4lbs 3oz Today's weight: 5lbs 13oz = gained: 1lb 10oz
Olivia's birth weight: 5lbs 7oz Today's weight: 7lbs 8oz =gained: 2lbs 1oz
They are both doing great!!!! Yes!
Posted by Loni at 1:40 PM 8 comments
Thursday, November 13, 2008
more pics!!!!
I have been dying to see these pics........ The photographer went out of town after taking them so it has felt like years waiting for them. anyhow, check them out on her blog....
ps. you may have to scroll dwn on her site to see them :)
Posted by Loni at 4:22 PM 9 comments
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Posted by Loni at 11:52 AM 7 comments
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Life at home
Life at home is going great. The twins came home from the hospital on a eating schedule so that part was already done for me (yeah!) They are great sleepers and really never fuss unless its eating time. They eat every four hours which is perfect for me. I can sleep a few hours between night feedings and still be ready to go in the mornings with my other two. I think we have a good system down. Don't get me wrong, I am tired, but who isn't after having a baby, right? For now we are having a lot of fun enjoying the babies. Abbie is super helpful and Iz is finally starting to care that they are here. Its been a crazy transition for her but we are getting there!
Posted by Loni at 11:31 AM 1 comments
Saturday, November 8, 2008
A few pics..... I LOVE!!
We had Vanessa take our maternity pics and now she is taking the twins pics....... We got a good start on them, but had a hard time because there wasn't enough natural light coming in. We will have part II another day when there is more light... I can't wait to see more. Here are a couple of shots...... I LOVE THEM!!!! check them out:
Posted by Loni at 2:16 PM 6 comments
Sunday, November 2, 2008
The welcoming committee
Posted by Loni at 8:11 PM 9 comments
Fun pics
Posted by Loni at 8:06 PM 2 comments
Emily is home!
We are so excited to have our girls back together again!! It was so hard to have them separated from each other. They always have to be touching and cuddling each other. It is so awesome to just watch them together. What a humbling experience to have everything out of our hands. We had to just depend on the Doctors and nurses and know that everything is in the Lord's hands.
I would go in every 3 hours to feed Emily, Ben would pace the floors the whole time. He had to stay out of the Nursery with Olivia. He would peek in the windows and look at the nurse and wait for a thumbs up or down from them. I was so nervous every time going in knowing that if she didn't finish her feed that we would have to start the 24hour period over again.
Olivia was fussy without her sister, you can see the big grin on her face when they finally got to snuggle together again.
Posted by Loni at 7:40 PM 5 comments
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Quick Update
Olivia has been "home" with us since Saturday night. She is doing so good, eating like crazy and staying awake longer just taking it all in. Emily is still in the level II Nursery. (The hospital has become our "home" until she can come home with us.) She has been fed through a tube in her nose for every other feeding and by bottle on the other. The last thing we are waiting for is for her to have the strength to eat all her feeds on her own. Today is the big day, the doc has given us the go ahead to try her out on it. She needs to finish just over an ounce of milk every three hours. We are so excited!! If she can do it for 24 hours then we can take her home!! We can't wait to see what she does.... she has been gaining weight she is a grand total of 4lbs 6oz.
Posted by Loni at 1:20 PM 7 comments
Friday, October 24, 2008
Some More Pics
Mom and her girls, this is inside the Level II nursery
Isabelle holding Olivia.
This is a normal scene for Loni and I. The girls are doing well. Little Emily will not be going home with us tomorrow, but we're optimistic it won't be long until we can bring her home. The only thing pending is her ability to feed consistently.
Emily no longer needs the lamp to keep herself warm, so they bundle the sisters together. They are so content when they're together.
Posted by Loni at 11:07 PM 6 comments