Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Twinsies 1st Bday!

They HATED the cake! It was very funny. Olivia hated the feel and the taste but had to keep touching it and trying to throw it or wipe it off as quick as she could. Emily just thought it was funny that she could play and make a mess. They both licked it a little but didn't go back for another taste!

What an AMAZING year! I sit back and reflect on all the events that have happened and truly can't believe it has only been a year! I guess it just amazes me how fast time goes, but how much can be squeezed into a year. Emily has been our little angel.... tears fill my eyes as I think of all that she has had to go through. She is now healthy, growing, and catching up fast to Olivia. Olivia has been our joy through the struggles, just a sweetheart, with a smile and giggle for everyone. These two are quite the duo. We have loved learning many life lessons from both of them. Can't wait to see what next year brings...

You know when they have been in a room, toys are dumped out everywhere and very few played with. The fun part is emptying all my well organized toy bins. These two have helped me re arrange my priorities. A clean house isn't necessary ALL the time. Play time is way more important and more fun. Time passes too quickly to worry about organized toy bins! These girls have brought so much joy into our home and family! We are forever grateful for all the lessons we have learned from them.
Thanks Gma Johnson for making the cakes and hosting the party!
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Sunday, October 11, 2009


Isabelle has dance class on Saturday mornings at 10am. This particular Saturday we decided to head out for a hike right afterward. We love hiking up behind the Draper UT Temple. Iz didn't have a change of clothes or shoes, but was determined to go. It was the last warm beautiful Saturday so we had to go! The twins fell asleep in their stroller because of the bumpy trail, Ben was the lucky one who got to push them, Thanks love! :0)

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Saturday, October 3, 2009

Balloon Fiesta 2009

We finally made it to the Balloon Fiesta! I have been hearing about this amazing event for 8 years now. It is an annual event that happens every October in Albuquerque NM (Ben's hometown). We got up at 5am to head over to see the balloons. What a fun event, they had over 300 balloons going up in an hour! It was amazing to watch. The kids thought it was fun for a about 10 minutes and then the FREEZING cold weather got to them. We will definitely be going back (in about 5 years) when all the kids can appreciate it!

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