Thursday, November 1, 2007

American Idol Concert!:)

The American Idol tour! Yes, we went to the concert! I won the tickets on a local radio station, KBUL93!! I called in on thier OUCH IDOL game. You had to have some sort of strange ouchie. I ran 15miles that past Saturday and someone had given me advice to chew gum to help with hydration. I tried it and ended up with a very VERY sore jaw!! They liked my story, so we got the tickets! We had a blast, we are closet fans of American Idol and we loved the beat boxin! The pictures aren't great but we had awesome FREE seats! I can't think of a better free date:)

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The Isoms said...

Hey Loni!
This is Brittany(Fowlks)Isom, I found your blog! I love finding people I know! We'll have to keep in touch!
BTW- I love watching American Idol! I bet the concert was great!