Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Baby Pics 3

Here they are, no blankets!!! Emily on the left, Olivia on the right. This is in the Level II nursery, Emily is hooked up right now, being monitored, they brought Olivia in there because she was fussy, she missed her sister Emily. They are just hanging out together now, we like the idea they can spend some quality time together, they were so adorable here, Abbie and I (Ben) visited them.

Here's a closer look, Olivia always had a reassuring hand or arm against Emily. In the words of Izza, so so tute!!!!

Abbie looking over them, Olivia kept opening her eyes and checking out her big sister, I could see the admiration and respect she has for her big sister :)

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The Isoms said...

Congratulations! They are so beautiful! Hopefully they continue to do well so you can take them home!

Us said...

those pictures are so cute. i love that they have to be together. thats so fun. i bet abbie and izza are loving it

Annie said...

I'm with Izza! SO SO SO TUTE!!!!!!! You have had quite the day! I am so thrilled for you! Absolutely precious!!!

Kevin and Eliza said...

Congratulations! Your hubby is my hubby's cousin. My mother in-law Julie just sent us an email telling us you had your twins and she told us your blog site. You should be able to check ours out if you wish from this comment. Once again congrats. Your four daughters are beautiful! We're expecting our 2nd in March.

Vanessa said...

K so I am sooo excited to take these little cuties pictures!!!! The hand thing is so precious!

Hannah said...

I love that the babies can comfort each other. SO even if you can't have Emily right in your arms, Olivia can be there with her. What a sweet thought!