Thursday, September 11, 2008

Farm Country

I am trying to get as much outdoor activity in before it gets too cold!! We went the Thanksgiving Point's Farm Country today. The girls had a blast. We haven't been since last October so it was all new to Izza she ran around so excited about everything. We saw baby goats, pigs, chickens, horse, sheep, peacocks, turkeys, and of course we fed the ducks forever, they are too fun! Then they couldn't wait to ride the ponies. Abbie hopped on all by herself and Iz was equally excited... until the little boy next to her started to cry (you can see him in the pic with abbie on the horse), that made Iz nervous and she refused to ride!! We got her ticket back and used it for a carriage ride instead, the safer way to go, maybe next time :)

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Us said...

im with you on getting as much of whatever sunshine is left this year. looks like the girls are having fun.

Linda R. Cobb said...

I'm so glad the girls got to ride the ponies, and have a day of fun. I'm also glad mom is still enjoying what's left of... never mind the sunshine -- but her own energy. Love Grandma Linda