Saturday, February 5, 2011

Cross Country Skiing at Soldier Hollow!

While in Park City, we drove around the mountain to Midway UT to go tubing. I went in and signed all the waivers and was ready to go out and get the kids. I just decided to ask what other options they have for families (the twins are too young to tube so we would've had to take turns watching them in the snow). They offered CROSS COUNTRY SKIING...I thought...... hmm maybe. Ben and I went skiing last year for our anniversary, we could teach the kids... haha! I asked how much.... $29!! for the whole family and gear! They even have a little sled we could throw the twins in and pull them. I knew when the lady gave the me the price that Ben would be all over that. It would save us $40! Wahoo. We bundled up, got our skis, and headed out to the trails. It took us a while to get started, but we had a blast and Abigail picked it up so quickly! She said, " THIS IS THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE!! BETTER THAN DISNEYLAND!!"

Isabelle and I took up the rear of the troops and we had a good time with a few tears here and there. She is a crack up. She was so mad that I would take a pic of her when she fell down. I had to explain to her that when she is 16 and in the Olympics racing, that she will ask if she ever fell, then I will show her this picutre. She thought that was so funny! No more tears from her. We just kept on trucking. Watch out for the Cobb sisters, Winter Olympics 2022!

We had a great time, it was like pulling teeth to get Abbie off the course, its all she can talk about. She went around the track more times than anyone in the family! So FUN!

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Linda R. Cobb said...

Love the pics. What fun you all had! Brrrr... but, I am so glad you got above that awful air. Hugs & kisses. See you soon.

Us said...

looks so fun. i knew disneyland wasnt all that. if cross country skiing is funner, i'll just get the kids some skis.