Monday, March 24, 2008

Isabelle's "RELLAS"

Isabelle's "rellas" are of course her pretty plastic CinderRELLA shoes, ususally two different colors, but who is checking! She has to have them on everywhere and all day! She LOVES them! She will wear them on her bike or horse and then she wants to wear them in the mud or to church! I love it! Everyone assumed she would be our little tom boy because of her attitude.. who knew she had PRINCESS written all over her! She is a super sweetie with a killer attitude! We love her, she keeps us laughing all day!

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The Isoms said...

Raylie is only a year in a half and she loves anything princess! It is funny how they are just born with it in them!

Nants (Mom, Grandma) said...

Izza I have fun watching you in your pretty Rella shoes. You are such a princes. Love you, Grandma Johnson