Tuesday, April 29, 2008


I love our backyard!! It's half an acre of dirt which makes great mud when Ben waters his garden! The girls LOVE to put on their rain boots and get stuck! It actually looks pretty fun, they giggle, stomp around, and see how far their boot will sink in. Izza however got a little too stuck and fell right in. She wouldn't touch the mud to get back up so she just sat there waiting for me to pick her up!
side note: The garden is awesome, Ben has at least tripled it and its all growing really well! He checks on it about every 45 min to an hour to make sure its still growing!! It's actually really nice for him to get away from work and clear his mind, the girls love it too... more time with Daddy!

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Hannah said...

You're a good mommy letting your kids play in the mud...it does look like fun!

Us said...
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Us said...

those pictures are so cute. im glad the garden is doing well down in that desert soil.

Nants (Mom, Grandma) said...

Hey Loni, that looks like our backyard did at times. I'm not sure it was for a garden I think maybe it was more just to make Mud!! You are creating great memories, Keep it up. Love ya